Registered Tax Agents and Accountants
ABN: 62 099 752 888
3/220 Northumberland Street, Liverpool, NSW – 2170
Tel: 98214717 Fax: 98224417 e-mail: mail@southsidetaxation.com.au
Re: Income Tax Return for Financial Year ended 30th June 2022
Thank you for trusting us with your tax matters in the past. For many of you we have been providing service since last 20 years. We invite you once again… like last year, to avail our income tax preparation service.
We have “strictly” implemented some systems and procedures as per the guidelines of the Tax office. Please provide us with:
- It is important for us to sight all the receipts (logbook wherever work-related car expense is claimed as a deduction) when you want to claim certain work-related expenses as a deduction. This year ATO is targeting work-related expenses claimed and Investment Property details (for those claiming Rental Property)
- A “CHECKLIST” will be filled in by you when you come for your tax returns.
- If you have taken a private health insurance policy, please bring along with you the policy documents for us to sight them and claim the necessary relief.
- Please provide us with your Bank account details as this is a compulsory requirement, otherwise, the return cannot be processed.
When you are ready to prepare your income tax return, we request you to call our office on 98214717 and book an appointment. Our office will be “OPEN 6 DAYS” from 9 AM to 5.00 PM – Monday to Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 2 PM.
In the meantime should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact me or my staff. I will be looking forward to meeting you in person when you come for your tax returns.
As usual, a surprise gift awaits you when you come to do the tax return.
You can book an appointment at the earliest.
Kind Regards,
Rakesh Joshi – CPA, SMSF Specialist Advisor, FCA (I), JP
Southside Taxation Services
Registered Tax Agent & Accountants